Like the English before them, Americans gained their liberties through tax revolt. Our cover page honors a people who resisted unjust taxation by proclaiming: “No taxation without representation.”
My Mission
Sit beside an empathetic tax planner who gives holistic financial advice, scholarly tax preparation, and capable audit representation. I serve mostly neighbors near the San Lorenzo Valley: Ben Lomond, Boulder Creek, Felton, Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz. Let this diversely-experienced and over-educated Enrolled Agent and Certified Financial Planner shield you from unjust taxes so you can seize the day your dreams come true with sound financial architecture.
For wisdom with compassion,
Robert C. Arne, MA, EA, CFP, MS in Advanced Financial Planning
Our New Intro Video
Services Offered

Expert Preparation
Carpe Diem families typically create tax challenges to overcome with their financial success, particularly those with spirit for business or real estate ventures. I’ve advised doctors and dentists, architects and lawyers, high tech engineers, realtors and contractors, managers, writers, and musicians.

Shrewd Representation
The IRS describes its audit as “…a review/examination of an organization’s or individual’s accounts and financial information to ensure information is reported correctly according to the tax laws and to verify the reported amount of tax is correct.” I’ve argued cases to the doors of tax court.

And CFP Tax Planning
Let’s talk about life planning because this tax advisor wishes to enrich your life as he saves you money on tax. Carpe Diem suggests seizing the day and doing exactly what you dream of in life.You simply don’t need to be bored or frustrated with the way things are. How can I help you live life to the fullest?